Monday, April 30, 2012

Living Your Moksha 7 Week Challenge

Another month, another challenge! This time I will be partaking in the Living Your Moksha (LYM) 7 week challenge that runs from May 1st-June 18th. The purpose of the LYM challenge is to take yoga "off the mat" for 7 seven weeks. Combined with a practice schedule that is determined on an individual basis, each week focuses on one of the 7 pillars of Moksha. Here are the 7 pillars:

Be Healthy: We work to support lifelong health of the body and mind.
Be Accessible: Make real the idea that yoga’s benefits are limitless and accessible to all.
Live Green: Live to protect and serve our natural world.
Sangha Support: Believe in the power of community.
Outreach: Use creativity and energy to help others locally and abroad.
Live to Learn: Commit to always learning to stay humble, open, and inspired to serve.
Be Peace: We offer the benefit of our practice to the benefit of all beings everywhere.

Some of the challenges may include going vegetarian for a week,  or having an hour of silence a day, etc. You can sign up online or at your neighbourhood Moksha studio for $10 (this does not include yoga!) which gets donated to Free the Children to build 7 schools. Once signed up, you will receive newsletters via email containing the challenges, and other things like videos, links, and quotes to keep you inspired. You can also make a team with other challengers to help motivate and support you during the 7 weeks.

Some studios are offering a special rate for unlimited yoga for the 7 weeks, but I haven't heard anything from my studio in Brampton. Because 7 weeks of yoga everyday would be quite expensive for me, I have opted to do mostly home practices, and my intention is to do 3 practices per week. Because the main focus of this challenge is to make changes off the mat, I want to give myself the time to actually do that, and not worry about getting a practice into my already busy everyday schedule.

My cousin Louise has also said she will be signing up, so it will be fun to check in with her throughout the challenge and we will of course be there to motivate and support each other even though we aren't in the same area.

I'm really looking forward to getting my first newsletter and challenges and see what I will be up against. I will be posting my weekly challenges and updating as to how I'm doing with them throughout the 7 weeks.

If anyone is interested in signing up it starts tomorrow so there is still time!

For more information or to sign up check out their website: LYM Challenge 2012.

1 comment:

  1. What a great summary of the challenge. Well done! Looking forward to day 1 tomorrow but preparing today :)
