(But I still ate it, and if you are a lover of the peanut butter/chocolate combo, you my friend are in trouble...deep deep trouble)
Mike wanted to have a low key birthday this year. He decided to invite a few friends over for drinks, and then head over to a local country bar called Nashville North. I hadn't been to Nashville since my early drinking years (almost 10 years ago!), and was interested to see how it has changed since then. It's pretty much the same, I just feel a lot older!
I had found this Williams Sonoma Reese Peanut Butter Cake while browsing Pinterest one day and was convinced I needed to make it for Mike. He is an avid lover of all things Reese's! Ok so as you can tell, this cake is AMAZING. It also costs almost $130! Madness I tell you. Obviously I wasn't going to purchase it, so I started looking for copy cat recipes. Although there are some recipes out there, it seems pretty complicated, and I wasn't really interested in complicated.
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For the icing, she added 1/2 cup smooth peanut butter.
The only changes I made to this recipe are:
-I used unsalted butter instead of shortening
-I used low fat jello pudding mix
-I used low fat sour cream
My finished product didn't look nearly as nice as hers but here it is! I thought the amount of mini peanut butter cups on hers was a little I just put on a few.
Most of us had a piece (including Mowgli who stole a few bites from two separate pieces off the table) before we left for the bar and it was so good!
The only problem here was that Mike and I were left with half a cake, let's not talk about how many pieces I ended up having. All you need to know is that if you make this cake, make sure you have more than 2 people around to help you eat it, because it is hard to stop.
Mike loved it and I hope you do too!
Only 4.5 more weeks to go until I can try this! I might even plan to make this for my bday in July! That combo is my absolute favorite but I'll make sure to share it with a crowd! ;o)