Wednesday, May 16, 2012

LYM Week 3 Challenge

Here I am in week 3! Last week was a great challenge for me, and I feel that I have learned some invaluable things about communication that will help me in all areas of my life.

I have started to look forward to my 6am LYM newsletter email on Tuesday. I anticipate learning about the next challenge. I'm usually at the gym at this time and so while I'm working out and browse through the challenge a little.

This week's challenge is...

Green your plate - For the next 7 days, cook only delicious vegetarian/vegan dishes AND/or only buy locally produced food.
So vegetarian eating it is! It will be difficult for me to find locally produced foods, but I will do my best to try to locate some. I'm actually REALLY excited about this challenge because it will help me learn to cook/prepare other forms of protein. I have never really been a big meat eater, and only recently in the last few years have eaten things like ribs, pork, or beef roasts. Right now, my main sources of protein are chicken, turkey, and salmon.

The supersize challenge is...
Every day for the next 7 days, use zero disposable containers AND/or reduce your waste to zero for 7 days.
Here is a link they provided on how to achieve this zero garbage challenge.
I'm going to see how far I can go with this one. Mike and I don't generally have much garbage but I am going to try to reduce that even more. I always use Ziploc containers for my snacks and lunch, and we both use reusable water bottles and coffee/tea mugs. We need to work on the compost, as we do have the containers for it but don't use them. I find that the food starts to rot in the under the sink bin, and eats right through the biodegradeable bags and then I have a big mess. We can't leave it outside because there are critters that come out at night and make messes, and if we leave it in the garage in the summer it will just stink. So I'm still trying to figure out how we can use that whole system.

I'll be listing some of the recipes from the LYM cookbook that I try, as well as some others that I find on my own.

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