Friday, March 1, 2013

Yoga Love

Because February is the "month of love", Moksha asked yogis to tell them what they love about yoga.

This was a hard question to give just one answer to, because there are so many reasons why I love yoga. It is a stress reliever, a time for me to relax, great for my health, has improved my flexibility, I learn so much about myself that I can carry off my mat, it's fun, and it has brought some great people into my life. It really has changed my life, both physically and mentally.

Here is the final answer I came up with:

"I love that every yoga practice is as challenging and unique as every day in life. It allows me to let go of all of my expectations"

Every practice is completely different for me. Some days I am very flexible, others my muscles feel very tight. Some days I can stay in eagle or tree or dancers pose forever, others I have no balance. I had to learn to accept that about yoga. I can't go into a practice with high expectations. All I can do is go in and give my best for THAT DAY. Maybe I'm not able to give 100% every day, and that's OK.
The same goes for life.

Dropping expectations I have about things in my life was always hard for me. I have high expectations of myself, so when I wasn't able to meet those expectations I found that I would go into a rut or feel depressed about life. I also often have high expectations of others, which is just a disaster waiting to happen! I can't control what other people think or do, so therefore I shouldn't expect anything of them either, other than respect and kindness. Just because I like to write out long sentimental notes in my husbands cards, doesn't mean he is going to do the same, nor should I expect that of him.

Yoga has allowed me to start dropping those expectations. Instead I set goals for myself, and I don't put too much pressure on myself to achieve them, but rather motivate myself to work towards them at my own pace. I add, remove, and change my goals as time goes on to better adapt to the life I'm building.
It has also allowed me to learn to drop my expectations of those around me. This has helped me have better communication, and also learn to be more compassionate.

I could never imagine my life without yoga now, because it has been so beneficial to me.

Moksha Love photo designed by a fellow trade:)

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