Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May Cause Miracles

After reading Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein last month, I was hooked on that positive feeling of knowing that my life is going to change for the better if I commit to putting in the work I need to. Before I even finished reading the book, I went and purchased her other two books : Add More Ing to Your Life, which was her first book and is the starting point to choosing love over fear, and May Cause Miracles, which is a 40 day transformational journey.

May Cause Miracles has got me very excited, because it gives you a daily plan to making subtle shifts in your thinking, to be able to live a life filled with love instead of fear. It brings me even more joy that I will be supported on this journey by a new friend. She too just purchased the book and was talking to me about getting started. I came home that day and glanced at my own book on my night stand that I hadn't started reading yet. It dawned on me that sharing a transformational journey with someone would be even more beneficial than going it alone. So we started the 40 days together so that we can support each other. AMAZING!

The premise of this 40 days, is that each day we are provided with a morning reflection, an affirmation for that day, and then an evening reflection. The morning reflection and affirmation set the tone for the day, and the evening reflection allows you to journal and reflect on your thoughts on the day with specific questions. She also advises us to set alarm reminders on our phones with the affirmation, so that throughout the day we are constantly reminded.

I will be posting a little reflection on each week as I work through the 40 days. I am at day 8 now, and I've already noticed and been able to steer my thoughts to a more loving place. I'm enjoying the daily affirmations because I am really starting to think about what they say, and I try to think about them throughout the day when certain thoughts come up. I have also been writing the affirmation on a sticky note first thing in the morning, and carrying it around with me in my journal all day. I upload a photo of the sticky note affirmation to Instagram and Facebook as well, and anytime someone likes the photo or comments on it I get a chance to look at it again. I also think that sharing the affirmation with others is a great idea. Maybe it will inspire someone else to think about  choosing love throughout their day :)


  1. ugh, i have to be honest - "spirit junkie" didn't resonate with me. that being said - i'm really excited to read about your 40-day challenge. Hopefully you'll be able to impart some positive and empowering wisdom on me along the way.

    your friend from "the south"

    1. We read Spirit Junkie in a book club and there were several other women who were not really impressed with it, so I'm not surprised that you say that. There were some things in the book that didn't resonate with me either but overall I got a really good take away from it. This challenge is going really well thanks for following along xo!
      Your friend from "the north"
