Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May Cause Miracles : Week 4

Week 4 was a lot of work. The focus was relationships, and how we get tripped-up in them. I discovered that I have been tripped-up in many ego-based relationship nightmares for a lot of my life. So needless to say it was a hard week for me personally because I had to come face to face with a lot of fear that has surrounded many of my relationships. Whether it be past boyfriends, friendships that didn't last, work colleagues, my husband, my family, or my friends, my ego has driven me to some pretty "crazy" behaviours. I briefly described the personality traits that surface from the ego in my reflection post from week 3, and those were key this week in unravelling my fears in the relationships in my life. I identified with 2 of the traits:
1. The Daily Victim-where we hold on to resentments and past hurt and are unforgiving. Replaying things in our mind over and over and feeding into the ego's vicious cycle which strengthens our perceptions of being the victim.
2. The Angry Boxer-putting on the gloves when we feel attacked and attacking right back. Having defensive thoughts creates even more negativity.
These two traits have come up in each and every one of my relationships at some point or another. 
Here is how a typical argument would go with my husband up until about 3 months ago:
Mike: Can you please ________________(he would ask me to pick up after myself, clean the dishes that were in the sink, tidy up the house a little, fold laundry I had left in a basket for a week, take the dog for a walk, etc.)
Me: *Boxing gloves on* Fly off the handle and go into how I'm the only one that cleans the house, I have to do everything, I walk the dog every morning already, I'm sick of it!
Mike: All I asked you was to do this one thing because it has been left for some time now, and I'm going to be __________(walking the dog, cleaning up something in the garage, basically helping out in some other way). 
Me: You're always nagging me, you act like I don't do anything, you think I'm lazy.
Mike: I never said that. This is why I don't tell you how I'm feeling ever, because you freak out and get defensive when all I'm doing is telling you what is bothering me.
Then we would do the silent treatment thing for a day or two (or three), and finally I would apologize for freaking out. 
I'm actually embarrassed as I'm typing this, because I have learned so much about myself in the last 3 months or so, and especially this past week. One of the most influential things has been to see how I have been reacting in the relationships I have. Playing the victim, and being ready to attack were obviously not working for me. Something had to change. About the middle of April, Mike and I had the most serious and deep conversation I believe we have ever had in all the 6.5 years we have been together. That conversation has completely changed our lives. It was communication at it's finest, and we have been able to grow from it so much. We have not had another useless argument since then, and we are completely on the same page. It has made all the difference in my life, and it has brought a big smile to my heart. 

In the beginning of this chapter, Gabrielle talks about another important affirmation from "a Course In Miracles" which is "I'd rather be happy than right". Boy oh boy did that one hit home for me. All of a sudden certain things that I had focused on so heavily in a relationship didn't really seem worth my happiness. I had often focused on being right, being the victim, getting defensive. And where did that get me? Unhappy, anxious, sad, upset, and hurt. None of these ever led to happiness. 
Playing the victim, and being angry have really negatively affected some of my friendships (and now former friendships). I was really looking forward to getting to the bottom of these feelings, and learning how to release them over the course of the coming week. 

Day 22 Affirmation
This evening's exercise was a powerful one. Writing out a list in tonight's reflection of the ways I:
1. Judged people 2. Attacked people 3. Make others special 4. Make myself more special than others and 5. Compared myself to others throughout my day was a huge eye opener. Simply writing these thoughts or actions out on paper was making me uneasy, because I was feeling some shame in the things I had thought. I was embarrassed at some of the things I would think or say about others. I started to feel guilty. So the exercise for the following day was necessary in helping me start a new beginning in how I think and treat others. And the exercise and affirmation from day 26 taught me to forgive myself for having these thoughts, and showed me how to see love and peace instead of negativity.

Another way that my false perceptions of others, and what others think and feel comes through is in social media. I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I am finding too often these days that my ego will run wild with perceptions that others have of me, or that I have of others based on things I see on Facebook or Instagram. I have decided to make a conscious effort not to check my social media as much during the day, and not to focus on what others are posting as much.

Day 23 Affirmation
Today we had to do the same exercise as the evening before, but then we had to respond to the answers by saying out loud "I am willing to see love instead of this". I can make a choice to see love instead of fear, and not to let my ego take over in those moments. After this exercise, I did find myself not really paying attention to people in the same way I used to. Not to mean they are less important, but before if i saw a woman on the street dressed differently I may have made a judgemental comment (or had a thought) about her. Now I just noticed her, but didn't think that judgemental thought. It obviously still happens, but I definitely notice that it's not as often, or not as harsh.

Day 24 Affirmation
Today I wanted show kindness to those around me. Because I work in a customer service environment, I am constantly in contact with people. I tried not to be "fake" nice like I sometimes am when I'm feeling annoyed, aggravated, or just having a bad day but still need to put on a happy face at work. Instead I engaged in conversation with my customers a little more.
The evening exercise today was to make a list of all the ways I had been unkind this week, and then describe how it feels to be unkind. I then had to forgive myself for my unkind thoughts and actions. 

Day 25 Affirmation
What a powerful affirmation. Today I really focused on looking at every encounter and every thought that came to mind as a "holy assignment". Even the unkind, judging, attacking thoughts are there to help me learn something and be able to move into a more loving place. For instance, when I started to judge in my thoughts, I would take a step back and say "wait a minute here, why I am thinking this?". The simple act of recognizing my ego coming forth led me to a more loving place, where I can then notice that my thought was not real. 

My horoscope on Day 25 really hit home. There has always been fear of the unknown for me. I am now starting to face that fear head on and just go with the flow. There are lots of things going on in my life right now that I'm unsure of, and that has to be ok, because in the end I know each situation is an opportunity to learn and grow, and the outcomes will put me in the place I am supposed to be.

Day 26 Affirmation
Today's focus was on forgiveness, and how it can offer up a clean slate for all new relationships to being with the perception of oneness and love. Forgiveness in my relationships has been my biggest struggle over the years, and only now after going through this work, and having read "Spirit Junkie" am I realizing that there is a lot of forgiving to be done of others and especially of myself in order to move forward. It has been a struggle for me, I'm not going to lie. A few times a week, or in times where I feel I really need it, I will turn to the forgiveness meditation from "Spirit Junkie". Afterwards, I usually ing write in my journal. I always feel as though I've let go a little more each meditation

Day 27 Affirmation

This evening, I had to meditate on the relationships in my life. I was to list in my mind all the relationships in my life that cause me pain. After the mediation, I wrote the names of these people in my journal and then said out loud "_________(person's name) is my greatest assignment. This holy encounter offers me a chance to release fear and strengthen my faith in love. I choose to see them with love". I found this exercise to be painful, in that I had to recount some icky feelings I had about how some of my relationships had ended. It's not easy to make these lists on this journey. We are constantly listing ways in which the ego has taken over our thoughts, and there is sometimes a lot of shame and embarrassment that comes a long with that. I find myself often thinking that I wish I knew then what I know now, because situations would have gone a lot differently. But part of this practice is learning that the past has all happened to bring me to this moment, the moment where I have chosen to see love instead of fear, and to move forward in a better place. 

One major thing I learned about myself this week in terms of relationships is that I may expect too much from people, and I expect myself to give too much to others. I used to spend more money than I had in order to show someone (in gifts) that I really appreciate and cherish them. I would bend over backwards for some of the people in my life, in order to make sure that they can see that I care about them, and maybe care about them more than someone else. I was doing these things more for my ego, than out of love. Showing others "love" with things, or with my sometimes overbearing "help" was my ego's way of proving to others that I was more important than others in their life. This expectation based on my ego's perceptions, caused a lot of disappointments in many of my relationships. Because I had given so much of myself to someone, I expected that in return. When I didn't get back what I thought I deserved, I would attack or judge that person that they were not being a good friend, or that they were not worthy of my friendship. On the other hand, it also made me feel unimportant to them. I would get a high from seeing people receive my special little gifts or my time or help. It would make me feel important, that I was needed, and that I was close with them. In the end all of these things just feed into a vicious cycle of fear. I have now realized that material things, or going above and beyond, are not what really makes me feel loved or shows my love for others. This realization has made a huge difference in my relationships now. I try to focus more on positive support when those around me need it, and showing others love brings more love into my life.

Next week, our focus will be on finances, and how our ego has created money fear in our lives. This is going to be a very important week for me because second to relationships, I think this is the other area in my life that really needs some love instead of fear. In this chapter, Gabrielle goes over how the ego blocks abundance in our lives in many ways. Here is a quick recap of those blocks:
1. The ego has a lack mentality
2. The ego believes that passion has no purpose when it comes to making money
3. The ego has a get mentality rather than a give mentality
4. The ego creates addictive patterns around money
5. The ego emphasizes the external power of money
6. The ego uses money to deepen your belief in separation
7. The ego is uncreative when it comes to money
8. There's never enough for the ego

So this coming week I the goal will be to start unlearning the ego's relationship to money. I am very curious to see how that is going to look. As I browse the list of ways the ego blocks abundance, I can see that I have learned all of these things in one way or another.

Onto week 5, Namaste!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Clean Eating Chicken Strips and Kale Chips

This was an easy take on a family favourite. I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy chicken strips. I actually had an unhealthy love for them for a good few years and that is all I would order when we ate out. Those ones were fried and covered in sauce though, with a side of fries.

-skinless, boneless chicken breast sliced into 1/2-1 inch strips
-egg white (# of egg whites depends on how much chicken. I used 1 egg white for 2 chicken breasts)
-whole wheat bread crumbs
-1 tbsp Italian seasoning
-1 tbsp fresh grated Parmesan cheese
-1 bunch kale, loosely tear into pieces and remove stems
-1 tbsp e.v.o.o.
-1 tsp sea salt
-juice of 1/4 lemon

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Combine bread crumbs, Italian seasoning, and Parmesan cheese in a Ziploc freezer bag.
3. Dip chicken strips in egg white, and then toss them in the bread crumb mixture until evenly coated.
4. Place coated strips on a parchment lined baking sheet, and bake for 20-30 minutes turning half way through.
5. In a bowl, mix olive oil, salt, lemon juice, and kale together with your hands.
6. Bake on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper for 15-20 mins or until crispy, turning once.

The strips came out crispy and flavourful, and the kale chips were a great substitute for fries with a little salt and crunch.

I dipped my strips in some raw honey and they were delicious!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May Cause Miracles : Week 3

This week's focus is on how the ego creates fear in how we perceive our bodies. This one is going to be a difficult one for me to look at, and also talk about. People have told me my whole life that I'm skinny. They think I shouldn't have body image issues because I fit into  that smaller size. I've had comments from friends that are negative in nature in regards to my body, things like: "you're too skinny", "you need to eat something", "you're a size smaller than 0". Or they compare my body to theirs in order to justify the fact that I have no business having body image issues. Just because I have a different body type, they feel that my own perceptions of my body are unfounded and completely ridiculous, and that there could be no way I would have any problems with how my body looks. WRONG! I think everyones ego perceives their bodies differently than what others see. Yes I may be smaller, but maybe I still don't like the way my body looks in certain clothes. Maybe the # on the scale still doesn't seem to be where it was at this time last year. And maybe I notice that when I don't eat as healthy as I would like to, my body reflects that to me. 

Day 15 Affirmation
After Mother's Day lunch at my in-laws today, my pants were feeling tight! Perfect day to make a list of how my ego causes me to have false perceptions of my body. Here is the thought process:
My pants are too tight--->My tummy is bloated and my body is starting to lose it's tone--->I want to be a certain size--->I don't exercise enough--->I'm lazy--->I haven't been eating healthy enough--->I have no will power with food lately--->I'm failing at clean eating--->I'll never be as healthy as I was last year--->I am happy when I'm healthy and my body looks a certain way--->When I don't eat healthy or my body doesn't look how I want it to I am not happy
This is just an example of some of the thoughts that went through my head this morning when I put on my pants. Look at all of those false perceptions! I always thought of myself as someone who was fairly happy with their body. I have always been more on the slender side, so I've never struggled with an unhealthy weight. Last year, after completing my "40 Days to Personal Revolution", I felt SO healthy. I had so much energy, I was eating foods that were making my body feel amazing, and I had so much will power to cut the "crap" out of my diet. I also lost all the excess weight my body was carrying around from eating processed sugars and salt. I dropped a size, but not because of over exercising or lack of eating. I was loving the new recipes I was cooking. I had a great exercise regime in place that mixed hiking and walking with my dog, working out at the gym, and power yoga. I was keeping busy and didn't find myself sitting on the couch too much. I was in the best shape of my life. My perception for being in the best shape, was that I was happy. Little did I know I had all of these false perceptions still sitting in the back of my mind, that were keeping me from being truly happy.
Day 16 Affirmation
Today, anytime my ego pushed a fearful thought about my body into my mind, I read my affirmation. It's harder to do than it seems though. Your mind becomes so accustomed to having these thoughts, that actually seeing them for what they are-a false perception-and then trying to turn that around is a whole other story. I struggled a lot with this one, but I found that the fact that I was bringing awareness to the thought was making me think about it more.

Day 17 Affirmation
This evening I took a friend to a class with me at Power Yoga Canada. She had never been to any other studio than Moksha, so I wanted to show her why I was so drawn to a power vinyasa practice. She LOVED it. I love introducing friends to their studios and style of yoga, because I love it so much. While in the jam class (a class practiced to music), I thought about my affirmation and with the music playing I felt that I was free in my body and not judging myself in postures or letting my ego take over. It was a great class!

Day 18 Affirmation
Today for the evening reflection, I had to make a list of fearful thoughts I had about my body, and then answer with a miracle minded response. This was a really great exercise, because not only are you listing out the fearful thoughts you are having about your body, you are also then answering with a loving response right away. It cleared my mind of negativity, and I felt at peace with my body the way it was, even if just for a moment.

Day 19 Affirmation
For the evening exercise, we were to write a letter to our -ing in order to open up to forgiving ourselves and our false perceptions. Over the course of the past few weeks, I've actually found it very useful to ask my -ing for guidance on a whole bunch of things that are coming up as issues for me. It's sort of like praying, but I find it easier to write than to "pray" at this point. I like to write to my -ing so that I can look back on the issues I was having a really hard time with and see how those questions have been answered or where I am now with them. 

Day 20 Affirmation
I've made it to the half way mark of this amazing journey! It has been a great addition to my daily routine, and I really look forward to my quiet reflection time or meditation to close off my day. I have already decided that I am going to make time for myself every morning to prepare for the day ahead, and in the evening to reflect back and journal even after the 40 days are completed. I recently purchased a guided yoga journal book, and I plan on starting that once my time with May Cause Miracles has come to an end.

The reflection for this week was good for me. I really read through everything in my journal for the past week and noticed all the fearful thoughts that were coming up for me. Not even just about my body, but thoughts I was still carrying from the beginning of this journey. Recurring thoughts that my ego was blocking me with. I continued to use the guided forgiveness meditation from "Spirit Junkie" throughout this week as well. Almost everyday I would meditate to forgive two people that have brought up constant ego driven thoughts in me. I am slowly thinking about them less, and really working towards forgiving them, and myself.
This leads directly into the read up for the following week, which is focused on relationships. I think this is where I need to focus most of my love and attention. I have struggled with some of the relationships in my life over the past few years, and opening myself up to why is going to be very difficult, but I'm glad that it is going to be done. While reading the intro, I was immediately drawn to two of the ego's reactions when dealing with relationships:
1. The Daily Victim-"When we're unwilling to forgive, we wake up each day feeling like a victim. We hold tight to our past hurt and resentment, replaying it in our mind over and over again. This automatic replay reinforces the ego's illusion and strengthens our perception of being the victim. Eventually we identify so closely with the role of victim that we begin to establish that dynamic in all our relationships". p.134
2. The Angry Boxer-"When the ego feels attacked, its immediate response is to attack back. The ego has faith in fear and believes that we're at the mercy of a cruel world. So it keeps its boxing gloves slung over the shoulder, always on alert to fight off an attack. These defensive thoughts and energy bleed off the angry boxer and inevitably create more negative experiences. It's a wicked cycle". p.134
I have been a mixture of these two traits, and after having read them I was replaying a number of my relationships in my head thinking "wow, that is exactly how it was". Even to this day I still exhibit these traits with certain people or in certain situations. My goal for this coming week is to focus on letting go of these traits and learning new ways to thrive in the relationships with those around me. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

May Cause Miracles: Week 2

After a great first week, I was excited to have a new daily affirmation on my journey, and continue learning. My morning reflection, daily affirmation, and evening reflection have really become part of my routine. Having my daily affirmation readily available to me all day without carrying around my book is great. And I have found that while in my evening reflection in my meditation space, I scan over the past affirmations as well. The meditation space has been a blessing, and I will even put on some music while I'm journaling which I think helps me put my emotions onto paper. My favourite meditation space music has been Krishna Das.
I also spent a lot of time writing in my journal this week, and it has really proven to be a great outlet for reflecting on fears that come up for me, and how I've reacted to them, or how I've now made a choice to react to them differently.

Day 8 Affirmation
Choosing to see love instead of fear is harder than it sounds. But this week I was at least able to make myself aware of the times I was choosing to see fear in a situation. That awareness made it possible for me to stop for a minute and say "Hey wait a second! Why am I looking at it this way?". Then I was able to see love in that same situation and conquer my ego.

Day 9 Affirmation
Self-doubt has got to be one of the biggest fear driven barriers. When you doubt yourself, you hold yourself back from opportunities, love, and most importantly miracles. That's a big pill to swallow, but it's even harder to work on eradicating self-doubt.

My horoscope on Day 9-I thought this was a pretty fitting horoscope for  this journey I am on!

Day 10 Affirmation
Day 9's evening reflection was a little interesting for me. We were instructed to get a hand mirror and while looking at ourself say "I love you" 3 or more times. It was definitely awkward. Afterwards, we were to "ing-write" (just put pen to paper and let it all go) for 10 minutes with the topic "I will love myself fully" as our inspiration. 

Day 11 Affirmation
Today's affirmation made me think of that saying "Stop and smell the roses". Appreciate where you are today in your life, be grateful for everything you are or have in this moment. Our evening reflection today entailed making a list of everything we were grateful for in relation to ourselves. It was a little difficult because we often don't think about being grateful for what we are. I think this is a good affirmation to think of everyday. Like when I walked outside to see that my tulips had fully bloomed and were so colourful. Or when my pup gave me a million kisses. 
Day 12 Affirmation
Day 12's affirmation has been my favourite thus far. I really used this one that day. I found so many fearful or self-sabotaging thoughts coming up, and every time (even if I was having the same thought multiple times) I would think back to the affirmation and apply it. I would ask forgiveness of myself for having that thought, and then I would wonder where it was coming from. Most of the time I realized it was because I was afraid of some outcome, the unknown, or that something was wrong with me. 

Day 13 Affirmation
In my morning meditation today I really focused on being happy for my friends and sending them lots of love and positivity. I also thought a lot about the reflection passage which basically said that every time you choose love over fear it's a miracle. It really is. Choosing love instead of fear can change the outcome of a situation, how you feel about something, someone, or yourself, and can lead you down a completed different path. 
My pup Mowgli enjoying my meditation space. A family that meditates together stays together?
Mowgli has become mildly obsessed with coming into my meditation space with me. He is always sniffing at my candle, or licking my face while I'm trying to sit in silence. It brings a genuine happiness to my heart and makes me want to be more like a dog. Someone that loves others unconditionally, and is curious about the most mundane things. It sounds crazy, but he really is my little buddy. He makes me happy when I'm feeling low, he keeps me active and gets me outside on the days that I really don't want to leave the house, and he's always there to snuggle:)

Net week's focus is around body image and how our ego causes us to look at ourselves through fear, which can then cause us to turn to food, drugs/alcohol, or other additions.

Feel free to check out photos of my daily affirmations, some food, some yoga, and life in general by following me on Instagram @tashataniea

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Planning a wedding in less than 5 months was pretty crazy. But we are so glad we took the fast track! We were still able to have our dream wedding, and I didn't feel that I had to compromise on anything because of time restraints. It was literally our PERFECT day. Our entire honeymoon (which was the week immediately following the wedding) we probably talked about how awesome the day was every hour on the hour, all while having perma smiles on our faces.

There were a lot of ups and downs in the planning process, from the guest list to having to find a dress with only 2.5 months to go. But we ended up pulling it off, and I'm glad we didn't settle for a wedding that was anything less than what we had dreamt of. 

The weeks leading up to the wedding were pretty busy. I was what they call a "DIY Bride", so I was always busy with projects. The only services we "bought" were the DJ, florist, and the photographer. Other than that, everything was done by myself, my mom, my mother-in-law, my bridesmaids, and some family members. I was at Michaels no less than once every day or two. My mom came a week early to help craft the last of the decor. Finding a dress only 2.5 months before the wedding was also a nail biter! I went to 3 dress fittings before I finally got to take it home only 4 days before the wedding (they had to take it in twice because I was just shedding sizes from stress lol). In the end it all paid off because for everything we did ourselves it would have cost us probably another $5000-$10,000.  I used Pinterest as my main source for ideas, but also checked blogs like Style Me PrettyGreen Wedding ShoesSash and SatinThe Wedding Chicks, and Mint Love Social Club daily.

A few tips I have for cutting costs from your budget would be:

1. Check with your local grocery store florist. A close friend used one for her wedding in the summer and I was so impressed that I knew I would use one as well. Most of the major grocery store florists have wedding packages. I used a Metro florist in St. Catharines and saved minimum $1000! My flowers were gorgeous, the manager was very easy to work with, and delivery/set up was only an extra $50. The base wedding package starts at $500 and includes A LOT.

2. Think about sourcing out and assembling your own centrepieces. Centrepiece rentals average at about $30+/table nowadays for something very simple. For about $18 I was able to make my own (with fresh flowers). I gave mine away at the end of the night, but you could sell anything reusable and make most of that money back as well. Also purchasing your own vases for altar pieces is another way to save. Mine were only $15 each and I can reuse or sell them. Or check kijiji or other online classified sites.

3. Accessories can get VERY expensive. I borrowed beautiful earrings from my Matron of Honour, a very sentimental necklace from my cousin, and a simple bracelet from my Bridesmaid/Sister-in-law. I shopped around a lot for these items before the wedding and didn't see myself paying less than $70-$100 (cheapest) for simple bridal jewelry that I would never wear again. My hair was polished off with a broach my Matron of Honour found at a grocery store for $10. My mother-in-law made my garter for me out of stretch lace I bought at a fabric store for $3 and leftover ribbon from my decor. She also sewed my reception sash, which was satin fabric and embellishments from Michaels. My ceremony sash was just thick satin ribbon trimmed at the ends. The sashes at the bridal store were $100 just to rent, or $300 to purchase. I had both sashes for less than $40. I purchased my ceremony and photo shoes at an ALDO outlet for $30, and bought $100 Toms wedges to dance the night away in. They are the most comfortable shoes I own and are perfect paired with skinny jeans, skirts, shorts, you name it. Definitely worth the $100 because they will be used for years to come.

******Don't be afraid to ask friends and family who have any talents you can use for help. They love you and will most likely bend over backwards to help out.******

4. Hair and makeup can run you a hefty bill. The mobile makeup artistry company I wanted to use was $90/bride and $75/bridesmaids not including false lashes, taxes and travel fee of $25. I opted to check kijiji as a last resort and found an ad which led to the website of my amazing makeup artist Maria Delduca. Her price was $70/bride and $60/bridesmaids including false lashes, and no travel fees or taxes.
You don't always have to use a salon for your hair and makeup. There are plenty of freelance artists out there working for cash and without all the overhead costs of a salon. Do your research!

5. Invitation suites can get VERY pricey. Luckily for me, my bridesmaid and now sister-in-law is a graphic designer, and is super creative. As soon as we set a date, I immediately asked her if she would design my invitations. It was her first time doing it, and she did an amazing job! She designed, had printed/cut, and assembled everything for me as a wedding gift. Here is a list of the stationery she designed:
-bridal shower invitation
-wedding invitation
-various signs for receiving table
-candy table signs
Similar packages go for hundreds of dollars, so we definitely saved a lot of $ there. But there are lots of other junior graphic designers out there offering their services for a fraction of the price because they are new to the industry. My sister in law has been asked by our friend to do their wedding stationery after seeing ours, and I got a ton of compliments on them. One friend told me they were the "nicest and fanciest she had ever seen".
There are also lots of free printables on websites like The Wedding Chicks if you wanted to make your own. Or Michaels offers tons of invitation suites that you print yourself and they are always going on sale.

Places I didn't cut costs:

1. Bridal party gifts were something I was dreading from the start. I had NO idea what to get my girls. I had already made them their "Be My Maid" boxes which you can see here, where I included $50 to help pay for their dresses. So I didn't have too much leftover in the budget for gifts, but I managed to put together a really cute gift with some handmade items. Most of the time bridesmaids end up with things they will never use again, so I wanted to make sure I put together a gift bag that was useful past my wedding day. Here is what I had in the bag:
-tshirt for photo ops (each girl had their initial & Bridesmaid or Matron of Honour on the tee)
-the gift bag itself was a reusable canvas bag that I put their initial on
-a flower clip clipped onto the bag mostly to jazz it up but could be used in their hair, on a belt, etc.
-Swarovski shambala style earrings
-a Sephora eyeshadow gift box set
-a grey pashmina (photo ops)
-pink Aritzia mittens
In total the gift bags were well under $100 each. I felt that it was an important part of my day to thank my girls and put together something that I knew they would all love. They were definitely worth the time and effort because they were well received!
I think there are ways to make sure your $ is going to useful things. I could have spent almost $100 on jewelry they will never wear again. Everyone allots different amounts to spend on their wedding party but this was one place I didn't want to be as frugal.

2. Venue, food, and drink are at the top of the wedding to do list. We wanted our venue to house the ceremony, photos, cocktail hour, and reception. It was very hard to find somewhere that did all this in the GTA that was an acceptable price. We picked Niagara-on-the-lake because the Vintage Hotel Group had an amazing winter special package that was reasonably priced, and had all of our must haves. Not only is it a gorgeous backdrop for photos, but the hotel had everything in one place. Plus we got to have a mini destination wedding (I had always wanted to have a destination wedding but with only 5 months from our engagement to our wedding day that was not feasible for guests). Some of our guests did wine tours while they were in the area and stayed an extra day. The food was amazing! It was all fresh locally grown produce. It came with a coordinator who I literally traded charts and mock up photos with. She made the biggest impact on our day because she really had everything under control and listened to every detail. Everything ran smoothly from start to finish. I would recommend them to anyone.

3. The dress was originally supposed to be made by a family member. Unfortunately due to health conditions, I was informed about 2.5 months before that she was unable to make the dress anymore. I was obviously devastated because that was the last thing on my mind. I also hadn't budgeted much for it because all I was planning on buying was material. That would only run a couple hundred dollars, unlike a store bought dress which would be a considerable amount more than that. Luckily for me, I have amazing parents who said they would help me with the cost of the dress. When i went shopping and started to see the price tags I was scared I would never find a dress without going into debt. After going to David's Bridal, which has very affordable prices, I realized that I was going to have to pay more for the quality I was looking for. My mom bargained with the sales lady and got alterations and taxes included for $100 less than the tag price (woohoo mom!). It was still a lot more than what I wanted to pay for a dress I would wear once, but it was definitely worth every penny. I felt beautiful all day!

Here are a few shots from our wedding day...aka THE BEST DAY EVER!

Getting ready for our big day

My amazing makeup artist Maria Delduca

Mike opening his card from me and wondering where the present was lol (it was 2 tickets to Supercross in Las Vegas)

A sassy shot of my garter. I didn't wear it after that because we opted out of the garter toss thing. My mother-in-law made it:)

My mom getting me ready

Opening the best wedding gift ever from my husband! A digital SLR!

My maids opening their custom made gift bags


In the GIANT bed

My girls
Mike and I managed to snap a photo together without seeing each other before the ceremony
Group Shots

The wedding party outside of our venue

Boys goofin around

My gorgeous gals

My matron of honour's personality shining through lol


The Boys

It was a gorgeous fall day for photos

The Ceremony
Walking down the aisle with my dad and stepdad

The ceremony

A dear friend reading a passage from the bible

Listening to words of wisdom

The Kiss!

And we're married!

Happy as can be

The Bride and Groom

Fall is beautiful

I was OBSESSED with this couch

Being welcomed into our reception

Our first dance to "Can't help falling in love" by Elvis Prestley

Our home made photo wall and props came in handy

Our love sparkles

We had an amazing photographer that was able to capture some amazing moments
Dancing the night away
Father-Daughter dance

My dad and I chose to dance a merenge to Prince Royce's "Stand by me" instead of the traditional slow song. We wanted it to be fun and it was!

Love for my daddy

Mother-Son dance to Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World". She cried of course. 

Big smiles

Cake pops I made!

What a blast!

My M.O.H., bridesmaid and I seriously cutting a rug and obviously having the time of our lives!

Dancing the night away

My brothers were the life of the party. They had a dance circle going and were break dancing!

It was a day we will never forget, and 6 months later we still talk about how it was THE BEST DAY EVER!