Tuesday, June 12, 2012

LYM Challenge: Week 6 in Review

When I found out what the challenge would be this week, I went out and bought the first book in The Hunger Games series. I can't believe I didn't read the series sooner! From the first page I was hooked. I definitely read at least 30 mins per day during the week, and my 2 hours each weekend day. I finished the first book by Saturday early morning, and went out that day to purchase the second book in the series. By Sunday evening I was already more than half way through that one as well. Monday morning I ordered the third from Amazon.ca because I couldn't find the paperback version at Walmart and generally the books on Amazon are a lot cheaper. I'm hoping that it comes within two days because I'm almost finished the second book already.
Mike was gone from Friday-Monday for a bachelor party cottage weekend, so I didn't think I would have much time for reading with an energetic puppy all to myself. Because it was so hot on Saturday, he was actually very sleepy. We hung out in the shade in the garage, him chewing a bone, and me reading for a couple hours. It was a nice little day together.

I realized this week that I really do love to read. The problem has been finding the time to read with the busy schedule we've taken on in the last 7 months or so since getting the pup. Although we love having him in our little family, he does take up quite a bit of time! It has definitely helped me with my time management skills because I still have to figure out how I will accomplish my regular tasks like cleaning, cooking, and getting my exercise in. Having a challenge to read for 30 mins a day has helped me see that it is entirely possible for me to have the time to read. I ended up reading for about 15-20 mins in the mornings while eating my breakfast, sometimes I would read when I was at home for lunch, and then usually before bed for about 20-30 mins. Each day I ended up reading more than the required 30 mins, and it didn't disrupt my normal schedule at all. I barely watched any tv all week!

I had wanted to try to read some educational articles during the week, however I only ended up reading some of the ones posted in the challenge email. Here are links to those articles:
Inspirational Quotes by the Buddha
Learning and Unlearning
Beginner's Mind

All three articles were very interesting. I was familiar with most of the 10 inspirational quotes, but the explanations below were great at helping me understand them further. The second article really reminded me of my 40 day challenge where I had to start deprogramming myself from what I learned about how to react and what to think about certain situations. I had some similarities when it came to noticing the changes that have taken place in my life, especially surrounding relationships. The third article was a great way to look at things. I really liked one of the tips to "celebrate falling down as well as getting up: it's all part of learning". Rarely do we do this in our lives.

I will definitely be continuing this reading challenge even though it's technically completed. After I read the third and final book in The Hunger Games series, I plan on reading "The Book of Awesome" which is another one I've had my eye on for awhile.

For the supersize challenge, I wasn't able to take hour long walks with no destination. I would have loved to, but with the dog I need to map out routes that I know will work for him. We did go on lots of long walks, and often we would stop so he (and I) could take a look at the nature around us. His was more looking at geese and squirrels and figuring out how he was going to catch them, while mine was noticing how green everything has gotten with the rain, and how much growth there is on the sides of the paths we have walked since the fall when there was practically nothing. There were also a few hikes in there which I always love.

Happy Reading!

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