Monday, January 23, 2012

The Laws of Transformation #1-6

I'm a law abiding I'm going to follow these laws just like I would any other laws. The purpose of these laws is to guide you through the revolution and help you discover more about yourself, your views, how you deal with situations/relationships, and how you can change the way you think to benefit you.

Lets get started! I'm going to go through the first 6 laws listed in the book and then give you a quote that gave me that "aha" Oprah kind of moment. I have also given a little bit about how I personally relate.

Law 1: Seek the Truth
"It is simply the willingness to see in full truthfulness what we need to face within ourselves and our lives so that we may get into the right alighnment" (p.6).
When I read this I immediately thought about what it will be like to face all the things about me and my past I'm not happy about. I don't think anyone really wants to outwardly acknowledge their faults, but it's a necessary step in being able to live your life without regret. The first part that struck me was when he says "willingness". I have to be willing to face the truth about me, in order to be balanced (or aligned as he calls it).

Law 2: Be Willing to Come Apart
"For many of us, we need to get to the point where we are finally willing to give up control so that we can experience the healing we so desperately need" (p.9).
I need to be willing to just let go of everything, all of my expectations of what life should be like and how things are "supposed to be". I can't control every aspect of my life, I need to just let it all go, and deal with things as they come. Life is chaotic and unstable and I find that when I'm trying to control things I don't have power over I become stressed. Stress is my worst enemy! I barely get sick but when I do it's always at a time where I've been stressed about something going on in my life.

Law 3: Step out of Your Comfort Zone
"The comfort zone may feel cozy and familiar, but it is like sweet poison, silently killing off our childlike spontaneity and our vitality" (p.11).
Ugh...the dreaded conversation in your head that goes "Do I look stupid? What will they think of me? What if they don't like me?". Brutal, I know! Stepping out of my comfort zone is a challenge for me. But slowly over the past year my self-talk has been more along the lines of "Who cares what I look like! Who cares what they think! Who cares if they don't like me, I like me!". It's a lot harder than it seems, but slowly things have been changing for me. I still have my moments, trust me.

Law 4: Commit to Growth
"Either you commit to a change of heart and mind and live it out, or you are just playing around" (p.15).
When I read this I thought about how many times I've gone through a phase in my life where I've gotten really excited about an idea, and then realized later I wasn't 100% committed to that idea. Take for instance my education. I've been to college twice now, and still do not work in either of those professions. Yoga has been a serious committment to me, so my intention is to really commit to this program.

Law 5: Shift Your Vision
"Whatever spiritual or physical transformation process we are going through, we are seeking to undo and unlearn a thought system that has blinded our true vision" (p.19).
I'm really excited about this one! I can't wait to unlearn the thought system I currently have. My intention is to be more open to everything that comes my way. Learn not to sweat the small stuff, and not to get caught up in other people's drama.

Law 6: Drop What You Know
"At a certain point we all need to make the shift from living from our head into trusting what's in our heart" (p.23).
This one is huge for me. I can be an over-analyzer. I go through the what ifs in my head, and sometimes let my emotions take over because of it. When he says "trusting what's in our heart", I take that as believing in ourselves. I need to stop letting all these thoughts (which are just thoughts, they aren't the reality) run my life.

Next up...Laws 7-12

Getting ready for 40 days...cleaned out a nice lil spot in the office! Complete with  mini heater, candle, and posture flash cards

Baptiste, B. (2004). 40 days to personal revolution. New York, NY: Fireside.